Resource Consents, Resource Management and Town Planning
Having qualified planners on staff enables us to undertake all your resource management and town planning needs. Our professionals handle the whole resource consent process making it hassle free for clients. Typical services provided include:
- Scoping development and subdivision potential in terms of New Zealand legislation
- Land Use Application - such as buildings, tanning operations and dairy farm conversions.
- Discharge Consents- including for dairy farm conversions.
- Coastal Permits- for activities and reclamations.
- Integrated Consents - subdivision and land use, land use and discharge consents.
- Environmental Impact Assessments - on all your applications.
- Council and Environment Court Hearings - for applicants or submitters on public and limited notified applications.
Our qualified planning staff are able to assist you in knowing all your planning requirements under the Resource Management Act 1991, Local Government Acts 1974 and 2002 and any other relevant legislation.
Our team of skilled staff will see you through the process.
Please contact us if you require any further information.